Fiske Directory & the Parents PortalJoin & Access the Fiske School Directory The MembershipToolKit Fiske Directory is our online student and family directory. You can access...
Wellesley Public Schools Department of Nursing ServicesThe WPS Department of Nursing Service provides comprehensive health care that enhances the optimal state of wellness for the whole child...
Drop off & Pick-up Protocol for 2020/2021 School YearSafety and Health Reminders All visitors to Fiske must wear a mask when on the campus. If visitors are dropping something off to the...
METCO School Program @ HomeWhat is METCO? Metropolitan Council for Educational Opportunity began in 1966 and is a voluntary educational desegregation program funded...
Fiske PTO BasicsFiske Elementary School PTO is a volunteer organization made up of parents, teachers, administrators, and support staff who are all...